The Wright Exchange Network


Do you want an immediate, personally curated, hand selected group of executive peers that you will learn from, grow with, and provide advice to?

As senior executives rise in their career, the circle of those you can trust and seek advice from reduces.  The most successful executives know to constantly be looking upwards to elevate who they hang out with, those who are at the top of their game, as the CEO or reporting to the CEO, or running significant P&Ls or functions in large companies.

Unlike most executive events, that are industry or function specific, The Wright Exchange Network brings together CEOs and executives across all industries and disciplines so you are learning from those with different backgrounds and perspectives.

As you rise in your career, it is easy to become the most senior executive in your network, where you are giving more than you are receiving advice, and before you know it your network is dehydrated and when it is time to consider your next career move, you look left and you look right and realize you have outpaced those around you.

Are you ready to join a peer group of 8-10 fellow executives and meet virtually once a month for the next 12months, including one in person event at a mutually agreeable time in Los Angeles?

Sign up Today

As I celebrate my twelfth year as an entrepreneur, and 33rd as an innovation & strategy expert, I have had the distinct pleasure of personally working with incredible leaders across technology, business, and creative areas of expertise. I work with executives in privately held businesses, public companies, PE backed firms, around the world. The Wright Exchange Network accelerates the careers of executives by bringing unique groups together to learn, advise and grow together.

How does it work?

  • You will be part of a peer group of between 8-10 executives. You will be matched with executives to maximize your learning and growth.

  • Each Wright Exchange Network will meet once a month virtually for 12months.

  • Each Wright Exchange Network will be invited to an in person executive session in Los Angeles at a mutually convenient date within your 12month program.

  • You will receive copies of Val Wright’s three books Thoughtfully Ruthless, Rapid Growth Done Right, and Words That Work.

Yes, I am ready to reserve my spot

What will I get out of joining?

  1. An immediate executive network of peers who will be invested in your success.

  2. A clarity of your short and long term goals and how to get their faster than expected.

  3. Comfort in hearing from other executives working at your altitude and their business opportunities.

  4. New thinking and alternative ideas from executives who have been-there-done-that-got-results.

  5. A confidential sounding board to share your ideas and ask for feedback.

  6. Diverse perspectives from leaders outside of your familiar bubble.

  7. A private space to share your success with executives who can help you replicate that success.

  8. Heightened accountability because when you share your plans with others your probability of achieving them increases.

  9. A new set of doors of opportunity will open as you share and receive new network introductions.

  10. You will have access to your own performance coach in a group setting at an extraordinarily affordable investment rate. 

Who qualifies to join?

  • While titles vary by company, executives at the CEO / reporting to CEO level, EVP, SVP, VP, Chief Marketing Officer, Chief Technology Officer, Chief Information Officer, and Chief Revenue/Sales Officers are eligible to join.

  • Executives currently employed in a full time executive role.

***Note if you are currently in an Interim Executive Role, or currently holding Board positions only, or transitioning to this work, I will be creating a separate group solely for these executives as the content discussed with be targeted, so please note in the comments when you sign up so you can be matched with the right executive peers because the content we will cover will be tailored to your work.

***If you are in a career transition there is also an Executives Transitioning Careers (TWEN ETC) edition of TWEN that is solely focused on defining and finding your perfect executive role. Learn more here: The Wright Exchange Network Executives Transitioning Careers

What will my commitment be?

  • Curiosity and a willingness to offer and receive advice.

  • Attendance at 12 monthly virtual sessions scheduled at a regular mutually agreeable time.

  • Attendance at one in person executive session in Los Angeles within 12months of the start of the program.

Sign up to reserve your executive spot today

What topics can I expect to be covered?

You will be pleased to know - this is NOT a powerpoint / presentation heavy experience, more of a facilitated discussion based on topics of growth, innovation, strategy, and leadership.

Topics will include but not be limited to:

  • Managing your board, investors, and stakeholders

  • Leading through a change of ownership / IPO / M&A

  • Executive productivity hacks that let you reclaim hours each week

  • Increasing your media presence and executive digital footprint

  • Creative ways to lead, sell, market, communicate, and influence

  • Raising the height of performance for senior teams

  • Executive communications that drive impact

  • Immersing customers into the heart of your company

  • Understanding and loving all your emotions (yes, even anger!)

  • Defining, finding, and landing your perfect next executive role 

  • Creating a team of Truth Tellers 

Hear what past participants in Val’s executive peer groups have to say:

“Mindblowing creative examples of how to think about business mashed up with practical intelligent advice.”

“Eclectic views in a unique and engaging event with artful facilitation”

“Action packed and informative with a set of rockstars from diverse backgrounds.”

“Amazingly insightful and a breath of fresh perspective on life, career, and high performing personalities - eye opening!”

“Fun and great feel of community almost instantly with new people you just met”

“Expanded my network in a meaningful, memorable, and lasting way.”

“Inspired by how energized and candid everyone was”

“Able to interact with other executives from various backgrounds, industries, and roles.”

“Comfortable to be with new people who are open to telling their story and listening to yours.”

“Expressing ideas, strategies, concerns and advice on both everyday and macro business issues.”

“It fired my neurons for ideas to bring to my own work and business that I can immediately apply”

“I saw different vantages which gave me a better perspective on my own approach to similar issues.”

“Honest real conversations with remarkable interesting people and insightful perspectives.”

“A perfect antidote to being ‘alone at the top’ - what senior executives need more of!”

“Connecting in a meaningful way where I am excited to continue the conversations.”

“Got me out of my own head and you get to discover you are more sane and successful than you may have thought.”

“Carefully Curated Serendipity. Reenergized!”

“This forum provided space – space to think, space to strategize, space to bounce ideas off other executives. As a global executive, I also found I received some great advice and ideas from our discussions.  Perhaps most of all I felt like I had an executive community of support. We didn’t shy away of tough or current issues, and we were all transparent with one another.”

“As the CEO of a rapidly growing company, I have valued the connections, the conversations, and the advice from esteemed executives.  I have learned a lot about myself, the opportunities to grow my business, and to allow myself to celebrate the successes that my company is achieving. This has helped me feel less alone.”

“This has been an engaging, insightful, and transformative experience. I was expecting a networking experience, but it became much more than simply a connection to others in the industry. The forum allowed me to learn from a rich tapestry of experiences by other executives in my field. In addition, I walked away with lifelong friends. Val gave us a forum for learning along with tools and techniques to support our growth journey. Thank you, Val.”

“I wasn’t sure what to expect, given we are all from different companies and we have never physically met before, but the speed in which we were able to build trust, share personal insights and ask for advice was unexpectedly fast.”

Read and listen to additional testimonials from executives here.

Investment Levels:



Contact Val if you have multiple executives from your company wishing to join for preferential pricing.

Reserve your spot today


Terms and Conditions:

  • Full payment is required to join a Wright Exchange Network.

  • Refunds, credits, transfers are not permitted.

  • It is expected that you attend 10 out of the 12 virtual sessions to support the learning dymanic of your group.

    • If you are unable to attend a session you have 7 days to schedule a private follow up with Val to debrief the conversation and contribute to the topic.

  • The in person event will be scheduled in the Los Angeles area at a mutually convenient time for the whole group within the 12month program.

    • You will be responsible for your own travel and accommodation for this event.

    • There will be a dinner the night before hosted by Val.

  • There will be no press or sponsors at any virtual meeting or the in person executive session.

  • Should you wish to explore doing business with another Wright Exchange Forum member, it will be after a “double yes opt in” managed directly through Val. – This is a pitch free – zero pressure zone!


Added Bonus!

New Wright Exchange groups will commence each quarter. 

As an added bonus for your early sign up while waiting for a group to start, you will immediately be eligible for 1-1 executive advisory sessions with Val until your Wright Exchange Network kicks off so you immediately get support for any aspect of your business.